56th E-Auction – Prasar Bharti Invites Applications For Vacant MPEG-2 Slots

भारत के सार्वजनिक प्रसारक प्रसार भारती ने 1 जनवरी 2022 से 31 मार्च 2022 तक की अवधि के लिए प्रो-राटा आधार पर डीडी फ्री डिश डीटीएच के खाली एमपीईजी -2 स्लॉट भरने के लिए निजी सैटेलाइट टीवी चैनलों के मालिक से आवेदन आमंत्रित किए।

Homee-Auction56th E-Auction – Prasar Bharti Invites Applications For Vacant MPEG-2 Slots

56th E-Auction – Prasar Bharti Invites Applications For Vacant MPEG-2 Slots


India’s Public Broadcaster Prasar Bharati Inviting applications from Private Satellite TV channels owner, to fill up vacant MPEG-2 slots of DD Free dish DTH on pro-rata basis for the period from 1st January 2022 to 31st March 2022.

Prasar Bharati 56th online E-Auction process –

The satellite TV channels allotment will be done using the 56th online e-Auction process.

Prasar Bharati 56th online E-Auction Date –

The 56th online E-Auction will be tentatively held on the afternoon of 24th December 2021.

Homee-Auction56th Auction – Prasar Bharti Invites Inclusive Space Applications MPEG-2
56th E-auction – Prasar Bharti Invites Vacant Space Applications for MPEG-2
Indian Community Broadcaster Prasar Bharati Invites requests from Private Satellite TV Channel Owner, to fill vacant MPEG-2 DD Free dish DTH posts on pro-rata basis from 1 January 2022 to 31 March 2022.


  1. 56 E-auction Process
  2. Final E-auction Date 56
  3. Private home TV channels
  4. International TV broadcasters
  5. MPEG-2 Space Slot Price
  6. How to Add a Channel
  7. 56 E-auction results
    Prasar Bharati 56 online E-auction process –
    The allocation of satellite TV channels will be made using the 56 e-Auction online process.

Date of E-auction online of 56 Prasar Bharati –
The 56 online auction will be held temporarily on the afternoon of 24 December 2021.

56th E-auction – Prasar Bharti Invites Vacant Space Applications for MPEG-2

Which Satellite TV stations can participate?
Only satellite channels licensed by the I&B Department for the reduction of links in India will be allocated spaces in DD Free Dish. Only licensed company or authorized distribution partners can apply for the distribution of the DD Free Dish slot.

In the event that the applicant company is not the licensee, a document / agreement signed between the Licensed Company and the Applicant Company authorizing the applicant / director to distribute the channel and bidding the licensee must be submitted.

International TV Channels –
International Public Broadcasters licensed / registered / accredited by the I&B Department and may participate in the 56th Prasar Bharati online auction.

DD Freedish MPEG-2 Price of empty space –
The auction will be according to the Bucket from the bucket with the highest stored value i.e. from the ‘C’ Bucket and will gradually decrease in the prescribed price, as given in the table below, depending on the location.

The bucket

Type / channel language

Pro-rata starts reservation price (01.01.2022 to 31.03.2022 (Rs)

Bucket C

News & Current News (Hindi) Channels, News

& Current News (English) and Current News Channels (Punjabi).

5,51,25,000 / –

Bucket A +

All GEC (Hindi) Channels.

4,12,69,000 / –

Bucket A

All Movie Channels (Hindi).

3,33,75,000 / –

Bucket B

All Music Channels (Hindi), Sports (Hindi), GEC (Bhojpuri) channels, Movies (Bhojpuri), and Teleshopping (Hindi)

2,93,61,000 / –

Bucket D

All other remaining Type (Language) stations and Teleshopping (Regional) stations.

1,94,18,000 / –

How do you apply to add a TV channel to DD Free Dish?
Interested broadcasters can apply online at https://fdslots.prasarbharati.org and download all required documentation as required in the application. Please note that it is mandatory to pay a non-refundable processing fee of Rs.25,000 / – online to the above portal to submit an application. Participation fee of Rs. 1.50 Crore (Rupees for only 50 lakhs) should be paid only by Demand Draft. A draft copy of the participation fee will be uploaded online.

For unsuccessful bidders, the participation fee will be refunded within three weeks after the announcement of the results of the 56th e-auction auction. For successful bids, the participation fee will be adjusted in the final installment of the cart / bid amount.

56th E-Auction Results / Channel list
Successful channels will need to plan their IRD Box in advance at DTH Earth Station, Todapur, New Delhi, India in order to place their Channel on the DD Free Dish Platform.

You can check out the list of MPEG-2 TV channels currently available on DD Freedish.

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